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Log on in a sentence

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Sentence count:72+2Posted:2017-09-28Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: logologoslogogramanalogoushomologousgogoto gogo-goMeaning: v. enter a computer. 
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31) He threw a log on the fire to burn it up.
32) Large numbers of shoppers attempt to log on to the retailer’s site to take advantage of the door-crasher specials.
33) Enter your user name and password to complete your log on.
34) Put a log on the hearth, and eggnog in your glass.
35) Allows another user to log on without ending the previous user's session.
36) There is a log on the proboscis that scar of tree furuncle, tree made small spread of bazoo of ear eye mouth properly.
37) An hour or so later, a well-rested Shiva visits the family laptop to log on to Facebook and update her status. Only Shiva can't use the laptop alone -- she doesn't have opposable thumbs.
38) To speed log-on , can I have my User ID and password stored so I don′t have to remember them each time I log on?
39) Why can't I log on the campus website?--- It will be down for two hours for maintenance.
40) The next time you log on, the screen will not display your unread message count like shown above.
40) is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
41) I couldn't log on and my email does not work at all.
42) The user ID used to log on to the target server will need RACF authorization to the target load library, as well as authoritization to submit JCL and USS commands.
43) Customers can log on to CarSpace and say, I just test drove such and such car, who else did and what did you think?
44) Users will feel inconvenience during the complex process of log-on , and users log on system the more times, the system has the larger threat.
45) From Zambia to New Zealand, Canada to Costa Rica(, you can log on to the Internet and teach yourself and connect with like-minded souls.
46) This paper introduces a software method of mirroring some cata log on two networked servers.
47) Logon failure: user not allowed to log on to this computer.
48) I couldn't wait to log on and found additional registrations - a total of 21!
49) A log on sequence will usually include entry of a password.
50) When Citrix clients log on to the Citrix server, the logon script runs the user logon command (usrlogon.cmd).
51) Q . When I log on, the telescope status is always closed.
52) So sit back, log on, and save the workout for the gym.
53) This setting determines whether the connection bar is displayed when you log on to the remote computer in full-screen mode.
54) The design of a simulation system security log user interface, using MD5 algorithm users log on password security authentication.
55) To restore the database to the standby machine, log on to the standby machine with your DB2 user ID.
56) Anyone can walk into a seperate cafe and log on.
57) With AK, sshd will open the user's private part of the user's keystore and call the EFS kernel extension to push this opened keystore into the kernel and associate it with the user's log on process.
58) Some steps of the installation procedure require the Administrator group ID to act as part of the operating system and to log on as a service.
59) Customers pay to log on and chat with other users.
60) Also interesting is that only 15% of social networkers say they log on at work, thus debunking another myth about how prevalent social network use is at the workplace.
More similar words: logologoslogogramanalogoushomologousgogoto gogo-gogoogoldo goodno-go areapogo stickto go aheadgonegonggonerargonegg onwagonbygonebegoneagonyflagonoregongorgonhang onjargondrag ondragonforegone
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